Coastal Communities Family Success Center
Coastal Communities Family Success Center offers programs and services to the coastal Monmouth community. Programs and services include parent education, family literacy, life skills training, employment, parent-child activities, and outreach events. Our goal is to increase the knowledge base of parents, change behaviors, improve relationships, and provide the opportunity to grow parent-child bonding.
Our programs and services are focused on economic independence and sustainability. The center provides tools and support for families before they find themselves in crisis. We have grown from a resource center and evolved into a "one-stop" shop that provides wrap-around resources and support for families before they find themselves in crisis.
The Family Success Center is a multi-faceted community-based program that offers families convenient access to information, support, and resources that help develop and maximize their strengths and potential.

"Children and families do not exist in isolation. They live in overlapping circles of extended family, block associations, neighborhood groups, community organizations, schools, workplaces and businesses, religious and civic institutions and much more. Collectively, these are enormous assets for families. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine any family succeeding, in a meaningful sense of the term, without the participation of information supports and institutions like these."
(The Future of Child Welfare in New Jersey, June 9, 2004)
The overarching goal of the Family Success Center model is to prevent child maltreatment by: 1) strengthening individual and family functioning; 2) enhancing parental capacity for growth and development; 3) increasing the stability, health and well-being of children and families; and 4) empowering communities to acquire the knowledge, skills and resources they need to succeed and provide optimal outcomes for children and families.
All Centers provide an array of education, enrichment, and support services to help strengthen families and improve the quality of life and well-being for all community residents. Depending on available resources, some services are provided directly by the Family Success Center and others are offered through collaborative relationships with other community based groups and organizations. Centers strive to ensure that families receive the support and connections they need in the least intrusive manner possible.
The framework for service delivery embodies the Department of Children and Families' Core Values and is grounded in the New Jersey Standards of Prevention Programs: Building Success through Family Support, the Protective Factors outlined in the nationally recognized Strengthening Families Program, and the Principles of Family Support practice. All Family Success Centers integrate these defining elements into their direct service operations.
Family Success Centers are characterized by:
A welcoming homelike setting that reflects the community
Engages its residents and offers direct services, activities and resources that promote family well-being and empowerment
Collaborates with community partners to assemble all available resources into an integrated service system that addresses the unique needs of the neighborhood
Broad-based participation and community involvement
The design and delivery of services affirm the rich ethnic and cultural diversity that characterizes the community
Always family-centered, strengths based, and trauma informed, we work with statewide systems to keep children safe. Our partnerships include collaborating on integrating the Protective Factors framework, enhancing relationships between the supportive network of non-profits and statewide services child and the families we serve, preventing child abuse and neglect, and assisting families with meeting their goals.
Parent Resilience; Positive Social Connections; Concrete Support in Times of Need; Knowledge of Parenting and Child Development; Social and Emotional Competence.